The People Stack Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

351 episodes of The People Stack Podcast since the first episode, which aired on June 24th, 2016.

  • Episode 271: The 3 Shifts Our Clients Made To Stop Procrastinating and FINALLY Do the Inspired Work Necessary to Build Their Tech Careers

    October 18th, 2021  |  20 mins 27 secs

    We ALL procrastinate. It’s part of the human condition.

    The key is being honest with yourself that you’re doing it… you can STOP!

    I realize this is easier said than done.

    It’s not impossible. It’s simply challenging.

    In this episode, I reveal the 3 mindset and strategic shifts our clients made to nip career procrastination in the bud!

    On the other side of these 3 shifts was inspired, intelligent action taking that led to massive (often unbelievable) career outcomes like 50+% raises, dream jobs landed, loads more free time, and significantly more impact.

    Check out this episode right now if you want to follow in our clients’ footsteps!

  • Episode 270: The #1 Skill That Tech Managers MUST Develop if You Want to Up-Level Your Impact, Income, and Freedom

    October 13th, 2021  |  8 mins 5 secs

    In this 5-minute Quick Shift, I talk about the #1 skill that is essential to develop if you want to advance in your tech career.

    And it’s not communication, leadership, mentoring, marketing, listening, strategic thinking, influencing…

    ...or any of the skills that are usually talked about.

    Tune in to find out the skill that you most likely lack so that you can start building it TODAY and finally earn the income and make the impact you want.

    Check it out right now!

  • Episode 269: Why Your (Secret) Hatred for Marketing is Destroying Your Tech Career

    October 11th, 2021  |  24 mins 18 secs

    Shifting your beliefs is critical if you want to up-level your technical career.

    And one of the areas where we see the most shifting potential is MARKETING!

    In this episode, I reveal three areas where your negative thoughts & feelings about marketing are holding you back.

    They’re keeping you in career struggle.

    Watch this episode right now so that you can escape this struggle and finally make the impact and earn the income you deserve as an intelligent, committed technical manager!

  • Episode 268: The Heaviness of Maybe

    October 6th, 2021  |  9 mins 11 secs

    You’re reading this because you’re a tech manager who is committed to transforming your career…

    ...and you’re stuck in “maybe.”

    Maybe I’ll take action. Maybe I’ll fix it. Maybe it’ll work.

    This is heavy.

    In this episode, I explain WHY and how to LET IT GO so you can finally soar towards your career goals.

    Tune in immediately!

  • Episode 267: Why Fear of Success is Costing You Impact, Well-Being, and Thousands of Dollars/Month

    October 4th, 2021  |  25 mins 46 secs

    We all know that fear of failure can hold us back from achieving what we want.

    But what about the fear of success? Could that be holding you back too?!

    In this episode, I guide you through a series of powerful examples so that you can see and FEEL exactly how fear of success is causing you stress, anguish, and lost opportunities in your tech career.

    And, I show you exactly how to take inspired, intelligent action so that you can let that fear go.

    Check this one out right now!

  • Episode 266: The Real Reason Why You’re Constantly Feeling Broke (even though you make six figures a year)

    September 29th, 2021  |  8 mins 4 secs

    In this 5-minute Quick Shift, I reveal why you keep thinking, “I wish that wasn’t so expensive.”

    In other words, why can’t you earn more money as a tech manager - despite working harder than you ever have?

    Tune into this episode right now!

  • Episode 265: Why Waiting to Make Career Decisions Has Already Cost You At least $300,000

    September 27th, 2021  |  34 mins 22 secs

    There is a huge cost to waiting. And if you’re a tech manager who’s struggling in your career…

    ...that financial cost is AT LEAST $300k.

    And really, it’s way more than that. (Because it’s not just about the money.)

    In this episode, I talk about the REAL reason why waiting is painfully destructive to your tech career and what to do to fix it... that you can finally own your worth, earn more money, and live a life of abundance.

    Tune in right away!

  • Episode 264: Why Free Advice is Strangling Your Tech Career

    September 22nd, 2021  |  7 mins 33 secs

    In this 5-minute Quick Shift, I reveal why following free career advice is taking the life out of your career.

    I share the #1 reason why you need to stop taking free advice RIGHT NOW.

    Hint: Your career and your sanity is at stake.

    Watch this one immediately!

  • Episode 263: Eight Signs That You're Getting Terrible Career Advice

    September 20th, 2021  |  27 mins 25 secs

    So many tech managers are getting terrible career advice...and they’re following it!

    Are you unknowingly one of them?

    In this episode, I share 8 ways to know.

    And if you notice that you’ve been taking any of the kinds of advice I talk about in this video, take ownership.

    Admit that you made a mistake and FIX IT!

    I share how to do that in this video so you can finally escape career mediocrity.

    Watch this one right now!

  • Episode 262: Kick the Hope-ium Career Habit

    September 15th, 2021  |  8 mins 20 secs

    “I hope someday I finally get paid what I’m worth.”
    “Here’s to hoping next year I’ll have a better job.”
    “Finger’s crossed they fire my boss so I can get that promotion.”

    How often have you used Hope as your major career strategy?

    Be honest with yourself. We all do it from time to time.

    In this 5-minute Quick Shift, I reveal why this is so dangerous for your career - and what to do to shift it… you can FINALLY take control and create more income, impact, and freedom for yourself and your loved ones.

    Don’t miss this one!

  • Episode 261: Playing “Wait-and-See” is Slowly but Surely Killing Your Tech Career

    September 13th, 2021  |  26 mins 4 secs

    We hear it all the time. Tech managers are playing “Wait-and-See” with their tech careers.

    “Let’s wait and see. They might give me that raise next year.”
    “Let’s wait and see. This time around, my new boss might actually be a great guy.”
    “Let’s wait and see. I have equity that vests in 6 months and I don’t want to lose it.”

    How many more years do you want to play this game???

    How many more times do you want to hear, “We don’t have the budget?”
    How many more new bosses do you want to have to go through?
    How many more hours do you want to spend stressed out because you hate your job?

    It’s time to stop this! Or your tech career will die a slow but certain death.

    Check out this episode RIGHT NOW so you can finally escape the comfort of sitting around and waiting…

    …and take the bold, decisive, intelligent action necessary to build the career and live the life you’re meant to.

    Check this one out immediately!

  • Episode 260: Why You Can’t Take a REAL Vacation

    September 8th, 2021  |  8 mins 22 secs

    It’s back-to-school season and you may be wondering - where did the summer go?

    Why don’t I feel relaxed and rejuvenated?

    In this 5-minute Quick Shift, I explain the key to taking a REAL vacation so that you can feel 100% restored and ready to conquer your career obstacles.

    It’s never too late to give yourself some much-needed time off!

    Check this one out right now.

  • Episode 259: When Thinking Becomes Your Tech Career’s Worst Enemy

    September 6th, 2021  |  25 mins 10 secs

    Did you ever spend time alone with your thoughts and realize your thoughts are a$$holes?

    Self-sabotage and negative self-talk are a fact of life, especially as you attempt to climb the ranks as a technical leader.

    How do you turn this around?

    How do you make your THOUGHTS your best friend - your greatest superpower - so that you can finally get recognized and earn the premium salary you deserve?

    Check this one out right now!

  • Episode 258: You’re Stuck in Your Tech Career. Are You Failing to See What’s REALLY at Stake?

    September 1st, 2021  |  8 mins 57 secs

    On this 5-minute Quick Shift, I share what’s REALLY at stake by being stuck in your tech career.

    And it’s more than you think.

    Check this one out right now!

  • Episode 257: What’s the Hidden, Devastating Collateral Damage of Having Career Problems?

    August 30th, 2021  |  23 mins 24 secs

    It’s obvious that career problems are going to lead to even more career problems. And work problems.

    But what’s the hidden collateral damage?

    To your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being, and your emotional health?

    In this very special episode, I chat with valued People Stack Career Strategist Daniel Perez.

    We uncover exact examples of the devastating collateral damage that our clients were facing before they started working with us.

    Check out this episode right now so that you can gain clarity on how YOUR career struggles are - unbeknownst to you - damaging other areas of your life…

    ...and stop this negative spiral to finally get on the path towards career - and live - victories.

  • Episode 256: Are You Taking Enough Risks in Your Tech Career?

    August 25th, 2021  |  6 mins 52 secs

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    If you don’t take career risks, you’re going to stay stuck exactly where you are in your career.

    Ready to get unstuck and learn how to take intelligent risks so you can finally earn the premium salary you deserve as an accomplished technical leader?

    Check out this 5-Minute Quick Shift right now!