The People Stack Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

351 episodes of The People Stack Podcast since the first episode, which aired on June 24th, 2016.

  • Episode 287: Who Are Your Friends? They Could be Making or Breaking Your Tech Career.

    November 29th, 2022  |  41 mins 7 secs
    careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology

    Who do you surround yourself with and what is their energy?

    This is a critical question to ask yourself, especially if you want to create a tech career full of virtuous & ludicrous joy & prosperity.

    In this episode, I help you add even more intention to your choices around connections & relationships - so that you can build your dream career!

    Give this podcast a listen right now!

  • Episode 286: Stress: The Inevitable & Glorious Gift of Leading

    November 15th, 2022  |  40 mins 20 secs
    careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology

    The bold truth is that we all feel stress. And particularly for badass leaders, you might experience stress every day.

    And that doesn’t need to lead to struggle.

    In words - what if stress is a GIFT?!

    Check out this episode right now to embrace this new paradigm.

  • Episode 285: Your Torch of Resiliency Amid the Doom and Gloom About Layoffs & The Recession

    November 8th, 2022  |  27 mins 14 secs

    There’s so much doom and gloom lately about layoffs, the massive recession coming our way, and whatever else the Cult of Fear wants to spew at us.

    Here’s your Torch to guide you through this.

    Consider it your Guiding Light, your source of strength so that you can build your career - and your life - with power and intention.


  • Episode 284: Quantum Career Leaps Require Quantum Shifts in Thinking

    November 3rd, 2022  |  35 mins 4 secs

    If you want to move into another dimension career-wise, you cannot keep relying on Old Thinking.

    What got you here will not get you there.

    In this episode, I invite you to make Quantum Shifts in the way you’re approaching your career so that you can access virtuous & ludicrous joy & prosperity.

    Give this one a listen right away!

  • Episode 283: Is Working 20 Hours/Week as a Tech Leader a Pipe Dream?

    November 1st, 2022  |  37 mins 40 secs

    Time is even more valuable than money because time is not renewable.

    So, many tech leaders like you want more time.

    How do you create luxurious amounts of time freedom while you continue to add immense value?

    Give this one a listen right now for my guidance!

  • Episode 282: 3 Steps to Accessing Your Confidence as a Tech Leader

    October 27th, 2022  |  31 mins 18 secs

    “How do I build my confidence?”

    Our clients ask us this all the time - whether they realize it or not!

    So many challenges you face as a tech leader require confidence.

    You want to ace that interview, inspire your team, influence key stakeholders, make a pivotal decision, earn more money…

    All of these outcomes require a constant flow of confidence.

    How do you tap into that flow?

    Watch this episode right now to find out!

  • Episode 281: Next-Level Prosperity for Tech Managers

    October 25th, 2022  |  34 mins 20 secs

    If you want to get to the next level in your tech career, you have to be a match for it.

    Whether that next level is $200k/year or $1M/year…

    Whether it’s working 20 hours/week or 5 hours/week…

    Or if it’s starting your own business or becoming a CTO…

    It all starts with you.

    Check out this episode for how to create YOUR version of next-level prosperity as a tech leader!

  • Episode 280: The Cost of NOT Getting Expert Career Help

    November 29th, 2021  |  25 mins 38 secs

    Prospective clients often ask us, “How much is it?”

    And, because of the human condition, your brain often goes to, “Can I afford to do it?”

    I understand why you think that’s a great question.

    But I’m going to turn your assumptions upside-down.

    What if that’s a terrible question? What if the BETTER question is:

    “Can I afford NOT to do it?”

    Getting the expert career help you need comes at a cost.

    Financial, emotional, lifestyle, physical, spiritual…

    The list goes on.

    In this episode, learn what it’s costing YOU to try to fix your career without expert help.

    Watch now!

  • Episode 279: Are you looking for permission to upgrade your tech career?

    November 22nd, 2021  |  25 mins 53 secs

    I’ve talked with hundreds of tech leaders about what’s next in your careers.

    And most of you know - at least generally - what you want.

    What’s secretly holding you back? You’re looking for permission to take the next step.

    Find out how to overcome this hurdle and others that are stopping you from building your dream career.

    Do not miss this episode!

  • Episode 278: The #1 Reason Why You’re NOT Earning $200k/year Yet

    November 17th, 2021  |  24 mins 9 secs

    Why am I stuck at $150k/year or less?

    Why have I not gotten that promotion?

    Why have I not landed that new job yet?

    I know a lot of you are asking, and if you’re open to hearing the truth, I’ll tell you.
    It’s because you’re destroying - or weaponizing - the #1 tool that’s available to you as a tech leader.

    What is that tool and how to turn it into your greatest resource so you can finally build your dream career as a technical leader with ease, flow, balance, and purpose?

    Tune in right now!

  • Episode 277: Why Bold Urgency is the Key to Upgrading Your Tech Career

    November 15th, 2021  |  26 mins 53 secs

    A lot of you are stuck in your tech career right now.

    And a lot of you want to keep waiting. You want to keep thinking about taking action.

    I say this with love as your bold career coach: You need to cut that $hit out right now!

    If you want to FINALLY get unstuck, you have to tap into urgency in a powerful, intentional way.

    I show you how on this episode so you can stop the insanity of being underpaid, under-recognized, and overworked.

    Tune in right now!

  • Episode 275: Do you have leadership body odor?

    November 3rd, 2021  |  9 mins 9 secs

    You know how body odor works, right?

    You’re always the last one to know when you have it.

    Having a lack of leadership skills works the same way.

    In this 5-minute quick shift, I help you to ask yourself if YOU have leadership body odor so that you can approach this uncomfortable conversation with yourself from a place of ownership… that you can take the actions necessary to fix it and finally get recognized for your value as a technical manager!
    Check this one out immediately!

  • Episode 276: Why Working with a Recruiter is a Terrible Career Strategy

    November 1st, 2021  |  22 mins 49 secs

    Should you be working with a recruiter to help you land a new job as a tech manager?

    Our answer will probably surprise you. It’s a firm “No.”

    At least, not right away.

    Check out this video to find out why so that you can intentionally take ownership of your career and finally get unstuck while you upgrade your teams, your paychecks - and your life!

    Watch this one right away!

  • Episode 274: What Are You Tolerating?

    October 27th, 2021  |  8 mins 31 secs

    “The sun is in my eyes!”

    This is what my son was complaining about the other day. After some gentle coaching (Mom Win!) he realized he couldn’t move the sun…

    ...but he could move HIMSELF!

    In this 5-minute Quick Shift, I show you how you can apply this lesson to your CAREER so that you can finally stop burning yourself out while you’re feeling underpaid & under-recognized.

    Pay super close attention to this one!

  • Episode 273: Why You Must Stop Applying for Jobs Right Now

    October 25th, 2021  |  22 mins 7 secs

    This episode is inspired by a question we received from a new client:

    “What do you mean stop applying for jobs? That doesn’t make sense to me. How am I supposed to find one?”

    Pay very close attention to this one because you’re going to learn how you’re wasting your precious time, energy, and focus by applying to tech manager jobs…

    ...AND what to do INSTEAD so that you can build your dream career while you make more of an impact you ever thought you could.

    Tune in right now!

  • Episode 272: Why You Need Expert Career Help

    October 20th, 2021  |  7 mins 37 secs

    In this 5-minute Quick Shift, I reveal the REAL reason why every single one of our clients was looking for expert career help.

    It’s not to have an accountability buddy.

    It’s not to pick our brains for more information.

    It’s not even to get career advice. (That’s easily obtained from friends and family.)

    Tune in to find out the REAL value of having an expert mentor… that you can finally get your tech career on track, earn $200k/year or more, and live with zen-like work-life balance.

    Check this one out right away!