Episode Archive
351 episodes of The People Stack Podcast since the first episode, which aired on June 24th, 2016.
Episode 15: Dawn McDougall of Code for Philly talks about community, tech and civic engagement
December 18th, 2016 | 38 mins 36 secs
Dawn McDougall(https://www.linkedin.com/in/dawnmc…
Episode 14: Yuval Yarden talks startups, culture and establishing a tech community
November 20th, 2016 | 40 mins 24 secs
Yuval Yarden (https://www.linkedin.com/in/yyarden…
Episode 13: Sarah Johnson from TechGirlz talks workshops, STEM education and all things Geek
November 12th, 2016 | 49 mins 22 secs
Sarah Johnson (http://www.techgirlz.org/team/sara…
Episode 12: Carlee Myers from APOP Studios talks mindset, art and tech
November 6th, 2016 | 38 mins 58 secs
Carlee Myers (https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlee-…
Episode 11: Thomas Guidotti of Omne Solutions talks about autonomy, estimation and being a CEO
October 23rd, 2016 | 26 mins 21 secs
Thomas Guidotti(https://www.linkedin.com/in/thoma…
Episode 10: Felicia Jadczak & Rachel Murray from She Geeks Out geek out and talk about building SGO
October 5th, 2016 | 43 mins 20 secs
Felica Jadczak (https://www.linkedin.com/in/feliciajadczak)and Rachel Murray (https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelmurray) from She Geeks Out (https://www.shegeeksout.com/)talk about their origin story, alter egos, and generally let their geek flags fly.
Episode 9: Vasilios Alexiou from FirmPlay talks about recruiting, travel, and working remotely
September 18th, 2016 | 46 mins 36 secs
Vasilios Alexiou (https://www.linkedin.com/in/vas…
Episode 8: Matthew Mausner of Woxxer talks Surveys and Startups
September 5th, 2016 | 44 mins 37 secs
Matthew Mausner (https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt…
Episode 7: Ben Rubin of 10% Happier talks about meditation, hiring and being mindful
August 25th, 2016 | 39 mins 15 secs
Ben Rubin (https://www.linkedin.com/in/bsrubin), …
Episode 6: Ben Bock talks about mindfulness, Entrepreneurship and I/O Psychology
July 31st, 2016 | 39 mins 16 secs
Benjamin Bock (http://www.bbock.co/) joins the Pe…
Episode 5: Karla Driskill of Hollister Institute talks Ontology, Mindfulness and Meditation
July 17th, 2016 | 41 mins 37 secs
The Director of Hollister Institute (hollistersta…
Episode 4: Cathy Swody talks about Mentoring, Resources for learning and more!
June 26th, 2016 | 43 mins 47 secs
Guest Cathy Swody of Thrive Leadership (linkedin.…
Episode 3: Chris Spear talks about Enterprise Architecture and Interviewing Developers
June 26th, 2016 | 44 mins 56 secs
Chief Architect Chris Spear (linkedin.com/in/spea…
Episode 2: Introducing the People Stack Podcast with Jen and Rob
June 25th, 2016 | 39 mins 54 secs
Your hosts Jen Bunk (jenbunk.com) and Rob Allen (…