The People Stack Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

351 episodes of The People Stack Podcast since the first episode, which aired on June 24th, 2016.

  • Episode 175: A Blind Leap to Your Next Career Anchor Point

    November 2nd, 2020  |  24 mins 24 secs

    At this point in your career, the only way to go is up!

    And in order to go up, you need to take a blind leap of faith to the next anchor point.

    In this episode, I talk about the best and worst ways to take that leap of faith so that you can build your dream tech career.

    Do not miss this episode!

  • Episode 174: Job Hopping Myths

    October 28th, 2020  |  25 mins 15 secs

    Do you really need to hop from job to job to get a substantial raise as a tech manager?

    A lot of the folks we speak with think this is the case.

    They’ve job hopped for the past 5, 10, 20+ years hoping that they’d unlock increased salary, increased impact, and increased freedom.

    What do they get instead? More of the same!

    Mediocre pay, mediocre positions, and mediocre career results.

    So - what’s REALLY the key to achieving your dream tech leadership career?

    Tune in right now to find out!

  • Episode 173: The Tech Career Game

    October 26th, 2020  |  28 mins 46 secs

    After speaking with thousands of tech managers about upgrading their careers we’ve had a major realization…

    The reason so many tech managers like you are struggling is because the rules of the tech career game aren’t what you think they are!

    This week we’ll be busting a bunch of myths about how to win in your tech career!

    How do you earn that promotion, earn the raise, or land that new Hell Yes tech leadership job?

    It’s not how you think!

    Tune in right away to find out the REAL rules!

  • Episode 172: Follow the leader

    October 21st, 2020  |  22 mins 7 secs

    If you’re following the leader, you’re NOT the leader!

    For so many of our clients, this is a huge distinction.

    It’s also a huge opportunity to ask for forgiveness, not permission.

    Leaders don’t ask for permission to change lives - they just do it!

    Ready to go NIKE on your tech career so you can get rid of that empty feeling and finally build your dream?

    Do not miss this episode!

  • Episode 171: Feeling Empty Inside

    October 19th, 2020  |  23 mins 22 secs

    Do you ever just feel...empty?

    Like there has to be more to life than just Zoom meetings, Slack messages, Netflix, and the occasional fun dinner with family?

    Do you ever feel like you have WAY more to give in your work - but you don’t know what or how?

    You can’t quite put your finger on it - you just know you were destined to build your dream career...

    ...and you’re not living your dream right now!

    Ready to make it a reality! Check out this episode now!

  • Episode 170: mind/body/spirit deterioration

    October 14th, 2020  |  28 mins 5 secs

    What happens to your mind when you don’t have time off from work?

    What happens to your body when you don’t give it time to recover?

    What happens to your spirit when you don’t relax?

    They all deteriorate. Slowly but sure, it happens.

    And this will surely make your tech career deteriorate as well.

    How do you stop this cycle? Check out this episode right now!

  • Episode 169: Low-Quality Weekends

    October 12th, 2020  |  21 mins 13 secs

    How much do you enjoy your weekends?

    How much do they leave you feeling relaxed, restored, and ready to take on a new work week with unbridled optimism and energy?

    Or are your weekends low-quality?

    Do you spend the whole time dreading Monday? Do you try to have fun with your family but your heart’s not in it?

    Do weekends feel like the same old thing over and over and over again?

    If you want to upgrade your tech career, you have to escape this low-quality weekend cycle!

    I talk about how in this episode! Check it out right now!

  • Episode 168: Not Enough Money

    October 7th, 2020  |  28 mins 8 secs

    Money scarcity - the feeling of not having enough money - is the cause of major heartache.

    It affects us even deeper than that. As one of our clients put it -

    “My soul feels heavy.”

    The heaviness, that heartache, that broken spirit that you feel around money is causing career disaster for you.

    If you don’t fix it soon, you’re going to end up permanently under-recognized, permanently under-paid, and permanently over-stressed.

    How do you escape money scarcity so you can build your dream tech career?

    That’s what I talk about in this episode! You don’t want to miss this one.

  • Episode 167: Heavy Money Stuff

    October 5th, 2020  |  23 mins 33 secs

    Does money feel heavy to you?

    Do you think about money and it makes you contract, cringe, or feel tight/resistant?

    This is actually really common and we hear it a lot from our tech manager clients.

    Here’s the thing, though: If you don’t remove your resistances around money, you’re never going to make more of it!

    You’re never going to upgrade your career and earn the salary you’re really capable of earning.

    Ready to make money feel light so that you can make even more of an impact?

    Check out this episode right away!

  • Episode 166: Pushovers and People-Pleasers

    September 30th, 2020  |  23 mins 49 secs

    Our tech manager clients often tell us that they no longer want to be pushovers.

    Or, that they’re people-pleasers. To a fault.

    Whether you’re oozing with confidence or still figuring it out how to call it forth, you’re gonna want to check out this episode!

    I reveal our #1 greatest fear - and how overcoming it is the key to unleashing your confidence and building your dream tech career.

    Tune in right now!

  • Episode 165: How To Decimate Your Confidence

    September 28th, 2020  |  24 mins 35 secs

    Clients often ask us how to build their confidence.

    I find that the best way to approach this is to first explain what NOT to do.

    Because if you build your confidence in the wrong way, you’ll decimate it.

    You’ll completely obliterate your chances of earning that raise or promotion - or land that new job.

    So what’s the wrong way and the right way to build your confidence?

    Give this episode a listen right now!

  • Episode 164: Knives of Doubt

    September 23rd, 2020  |  26 mins 14 secs

    The theme for the week are the massive achievements that our clients are creating!

    And the reason they are able to create them is because they stopped stabbing themselves with knives of doubt.

    What does that look like? And how can you stop stabbing yourself so you can build your dream tech career?

    Do not miss this episode!

  • Episode 163: How to Land a 46% Raise During Covid

    September 21st, 2020  |  29 mins

    One of our clients just celebrated getting a 46% raise!!!

    We are so stoked for him and so proud.

    This is actually a really common outcome for our clients.

    How do they make this happen?

    I talk about that in this episode so don’t miss it!

  • Episode 162: HWPO

    September 16th, 2020  |  26 mins 55 secs

    Four-time Fittest Man on Earth Mat Fraser is an unstoppable force.

    He’s human (we’re pretty sure) - so what’s his secret?

    In a hashtag: #HWPO

    Hard Work Pays Off

    But does it? How does Mat turn this hard work into an amazing life with impossible victories?
    And how does this relate to creating impossible victories in your tech career?

    Tune in now to find out!

  • Episode 161: “I work hard. I shouldn’t feel like this.”

    September 14th, 2020  |  24 mins 7 secs

    Hard work pays off, right?

    Not always.

    I know you work hard. You’re committed to advancing in your career and being the best tech leader you can be.

    And still feel under-recognized.

    You’re still earning way less than you’re worth.

    The truth is, hard work isn’t enough. If it were, every tech manager would be living their dream.

    What’s the missing piece to building your dream career that the top 1% of tech managers know that you probably don’t?

    Tune in right now!

  • Episode 160: If you’re overwhelmed in your tech career, it’s selfish to NOT fix it!

    September 9th, 2020  |  26 mins 24 secs

    If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed because of your job or your career…

    I guarantee it’s affecting others in your life!

    Your team. Your family. Your friends.

    They’re suffering due to YOUR suffering.

    It’s selfish NOT to address this!

    Ready to gain tools and strategies so you can manage your sense of overwhelm, upgrade your tech career, and build loving relationships in your life?

    Tune in for this episode!