The People Stack Podcast

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

351 episodes of The People Stack Podcast since the first episode, which aired on June 24th, 2016.

  • Episode 95: The Silent, Insidious Diseases That Plague Tech Managers

    January 27th, 2020  |  23 mins 19 secs

    Deep down, does work feel like death by 1,000 paper cuts?

    Are you secretly terrified that you’ll vanish into irrelevance?

    Are you suffering from lack of recognition and loss of self-respect?

    Are you worried that you’re settling for a comfortable, tolerable, unfulfilling existence?

    If so, you’re not alone.

    These are the silent, insidious diseases that plague so many of the tech managers that we speak with.

    Want to cure yourself once and for all?

    Do not miss this episode!

  • Episode 94: The Busyness Trap and How to Escape It

    January 22nd, 2020  |  19 mins 16 secs

    Are you addicted to being busy?

    Are you addicted to checking email, checking Slack, reading a bunch of articles, checking in on your team (when they really don’t need to be checked on)...and in general doing the small, weedy, tactical things that don’t really make an impact?

    If you finally want to upgrade your tech career and command a premium salary (while you make a huge impact as an effective leader), you have to escape this busyness trap and focus on the BIG stuff!

    I’ll talk about how in this episode! 

  • Episode 93: Being Busy is Not Going to Help You Upgrade Your Tech Career

    January 20th, 2020  |  21 mins 38 secs

    When someone asks you how things are going at work, is your immediate response often:

    “Yeah, great!  Really busy!”

    Is being busy a good thing?  Do you want to be busy - or - do you want to be productive?

    Not understanding the difference could cost you your ability to upgrade your tech career.

    Do not miss this episode!

  • Episode 92: The truth about getting more letters after your name (MBA, Phd, etc.)

    January 15th, 2020  |  23 mins 40 secs

    MBA, Ph.D, M.A./M.S.

    Then there’s all the certifications as well:  PMP, CAPM, PMI-ACP


    Why work so hard getting advanced degrees and certifications?  Will they guarantee you’ll be a better technical leader and advance in your career?

  • Episode 91: Do you really need an MBA to be a successful technical leader?

    January 13th, 2020  |  22 mins 36 secs

    One of the beliefs that we hear all the time at The People Stack goes something like:

    “I want to become a VP.  So I need to get my MBA first.”

    Is this REALLY true?  Is it worth it to spend valuable time and money to get those letters after your name?

    Don’t miss this episode!

  • Episode 90: Taking Ownership of Your Tech Career:  What it REALLY Means

    January 8th, 2020  |  20 mins 10 secs

    When I say “take ownership of your career,” most people get what I mean.

    At least, they get it intellectually.  They get it at a surface level.

    But what does it REALLY mean to take ownership of your career - both from the 30,000-foot-strategic view and the day-to-day tactics?

    What are you NOT doing that could make the difference between mediocre, acceptable career advancement and outstandingly awesome levels of impact, joy, and freedom?

  • Episode 89: Are you looking for permission to upgrade your tech career?

    January 6th, 2020  |  25 mins 53 secs

    I’ve talked with hundreds of tech leaders about what’s next in your careers.

    And most of you know - at least generally - what you want.

    What’s secretly holding your back?  You’re looking for permission to take the next step.

    Find out how to overcome this hurdle and others that are stopping you from building your dream career.

    Do not miss this episode!

  • Episode 88: How much longer are you going to use the “hope it’ll get better” strategy to build your tech career?

    January 1st, 2020  |  18 mins 40 secs

    Here’s the truth: Hope is a terrible strategy.

    The problem is, when it comes to career upgrading, so many tech managers are in the dark about what to do instead.

    Want to ditch “I hope it’ll get better” with proven strategies that’ll help you reach higher heights in your career!

    Check out this episode!

  • Episode 87: Will your tech career fix itself? Next month? Next year?

    December 30th, 2019  |  23 mins 48 secs

    As a committed tech professional, you put a lot of care into planning for your projects at work. You never assume that bugs are going to fix themselves. You get your team together and fix it!


    When it comes to your careers, a lot of your are just hoping it’ll fix itself.

    Here’s how to notice when this pops up and how to plan for your career more methodically!

    Do not miss this episode!

  • Episode 86: Do you REALLY want to create change in your tech career? Then you HAVE to do what feels uncomfortable.

    December 25th, 2019  |  20 mins 46 secs

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again - and expecting different results.

    And many of us keeping doing the same things because they’re familiar. They’re comfortable. And we wonder why change isn’t happening.

    If you’re feeling stuck in your tech career, the same rule applies. If you want to STAY stuck, keep doing the same thing.

    If you truly want change, you have to step outside of your comfort zone.

    What does this mean, exactly?

    Do not miss this episode!

  • Episode 85: “I’m doing okay. I’m comfortable.” Why is this is the WORST place to be career-wise?

    December 23rd, 2019  |  23 mins 4 secs

    We talk with a lot of clients who are “doing okay” in their tech careers.

    They say things like, “I’m not desperate.” “I’m coping.” “I’m managing.” “Things could be better but they’re not terrible.”

    “I’m tolerating my work life.” “I’m comfortable

    Believe it or not, this “comfortable” place is a WORSE place to be than when things are completely and utterly falling apart.

    Why? Find out in this episode!

  • Episode 84: Why even the most over-analytic, analysis-paralysis-prone humans can and MUST be decisive to upgrade their tech careers

    December 18th, 2019  |  21 mins

    Would you consider yourself systematic? Methodical? Careful?

    What about over-analytical? Prone to analysis paralysis?

    If so, no worries. These are qualities that make you great at tech.

    But, if you don’t learn how to tap into your decisiveness - which is the OPPOSITE of what you tend to do - you’re on the path towards tech career failure.

    Ready to embrace your inner decision-making genius and upgrade your tech career in the process?

  • Episode 83: “I need to think about it” and other lies you’re telling yourself about your tech career

    December 16th, 2019  |  29 mins 12 secs

    If there’s a phrase we hear more than any other when we’re coaching our clients it’s…

    “I need to think about it.”

    I understand this need. Trust me, I do. But the truth it’s, when it comes to career decisions, it’s a lie.

    Want to learn why this lie is going to cost you time, money, and energy?

    Want to learn how to get past “I need to think about” and finally make a decision about your career?

    Watch this episode!

  • Episode 82: How to show up as a confident tech leader (without being cocky or self-deprecating)

    December 11th, 2019  |  19 mins 10 secs

    What’s the difference between cocky, confident, and self-deprecating?

    And how do you show up as a confident tech leader who adds value and gets recognized for the value - without coming off as extremely full-of-yourself OR extremely down-on-yourself?

    Check out this episode!

  • Episode 81: Let’s eradicate self-deprecating behaviors from the tech world!

    December 9th, 2019  |  24 mins 28 secs

    Have you noticed that, in the tech community, certain people love to make fun of themselves?

    They’re self-deprecating to a fault.

    Where did this come from??? And how do we eradicate these behaviors so we can create a culture where it’s accepted and expected to be confident?

    And create a culture where everyone earns their wins and celebrates them?

    Do not miss this episode!

  • Episode 80: Senior Software Engineer and Server Necromancer at Slack, Randall Koutnik talks about the importance of trust, feedback, managing teams while scaling and more!

    September 8th, 2019  |  52 mins 44 secs

    Senior Software Engineer and Server Necromancer at Slack, Randall Koutnik talks about the importance of trust, feedback, managing teams while scaling and more!