Episode Archive
351 episodes of The People Stack Podcast since the first episode, which aired on June 24th, 2016.
Episode 143: Escape the negativity vortex, build your dream
July 13th, 2020 | 25 mins 8 secs
There is a lot of negativity going around right now.
A lot of fear, doubt, uncertainty, hatred, anger, and blame.
How do you ensure that this doesn’t affect your ability to make an impact?
The only way to escape such a powerful negative vortex is to focus on something so profoundly positive and uplifting, it’s almost as if the vortex disappears.
What to focus on?
Tune in right now to find out!
Episode 142: The 5 silent, insidious diseases that plague tech managers (Part 2)
July 8th, 2020 | 21 mins 5 secs
This week, we’re talking about the identity diseases that plague the careers of tech managers.
In this episode, I reveal 3 more diseases that could be destroying your tech career right now.
These diseases are subtle yet harmful.
It’s extremely important that you’re aware of their existence and their power.
Turn in right now to find out how to fight them!
Episode 141: The 5 silent, insidious diseases that plague tech managers (Part 1)
July 6th, 2020 | 30 mins 6 secs
After serving thousands of tech managers for over 5 years, what patterns have we noticed?
There are many of them - and I want to point out a pattern that lurks beneath the surface.
Hardly anyone talks about it but we know it’s there.
It’s hard to talk about. It’s hard to put into words.
The pattern I’m talking about are the silent, insidious diseases that destroy the careers of tech managers.
What are they and how can you keep them from destroying YOUR career?
You will NOT want to miss this one!
Episode 140: Fired for all the wrong reasons
July 1st, 2020 | 21 mins 4 secs
Were you ever laid off - or fired - from a job for all the wrong reasons?
The good reasons would be: you weren’t performing up to par or you severely breached ethical standards.
Unfortunately, though, a lot of good people are fired for some really bad reasons.
If this has happened to you, please know that there is a way to thrive through this experience.
Find out how on this episode!
Episode 139: “You’re the best boss we ever had.” You’re fired.
June 29th, 2020 | 24 mins 36 secs
Over the past several months, we’ve had a string of clients who were fired or laid off from their jobs.
This wasn’t because they were poor performers.
In fact, one of them got glowing performance reviews and his team reported, “You’re the best boss we ever had.”
So why was he fired? Why does this happen? Has this happened to you?
I talk about all of this on this episode. Give it a listen!
Episode 138: What 3 qualities are necessary to upgrade your tech career?
June 24th, 2020 | 27 mins 16 secs
Will this work for you? Will you be able to advance in your tech career just like our clients have?
The answer is: I don’t know.
I can tell you this though - if you tap into just 3 qualities, you will set yourself up for success.
What are these 3 qualities? I share them in this episode.
Do not miss it!
Episode 137: 3 clients. 3 stories of tech career transformation.
June 22nd, 2020 | 25 mins 41 secs
We get asked all the time: Who are your clients? Are they anything like me?
What kinds of help do you give them?Really what you’re asking is: Will this work for me?
Will the help you give help me to transform MY tech career?
To show you that our clients are amazing humans who have overcome some very thorny problems, I’ll share 3 of their stories this week.
Which one inspires you the most?
Do not miss this episode!
Episode 136: Hiring a resume writer is a terrible idea
June 17th, 2020 | 12 mins 45 secs
I’m just gonna come out and say it: People put way, way, way too much emphasis on resumes!
There’s so much focus and pressure and worries around having the perfect resume.
That’s why people spend hundreds - sometimes thousands! - of dollars to have someone write their resume for them.
In this episode, I explain why this is a terrible idea.
Check out this episode now!
Episode 135: Your resume doesn’t matter as much as you think it does
June 15th, 2020 | 18 mins 6 secs
We get asked ALL the time: How do I write an amazing resume? How do I make sure my LInkedIn profile looks awesome?
Here’s the truth: What you say on your resume and LinkedIn doesn’t matter as much as you think it does!
It’s not nearly as important as what happens before and after.
What are the key steps that happen before and after?
Tune in to find out!
Episode 134: Rolling the dice on your tech career
June 10th, 2020 | 29 mins 50 secs
Do you sometimes feel like navigating your tech career is like rolling the dice?
Will today be the day your boss finally recognizes your efforts?
Will this be the quarter that you finally get that raise you’ve been promised?
Will this be the year that you finally advance to the next level of leadership impact?
I don’t want you treating your career like a game of craps! There's a much better way to approach it that puts you in the driver’s set.
Ready to embrace this new approach that’ll put the odds drastically in your favor?
Check out this episode now!
Episode 133: War-gaming through your tech career
June 8th, 2020 | 20 mins 8 secs
Remember the movie War Games? Where the computer was playing an “innocent” game of global thermonuclear war?
The computer kept guessing at the missile launch codes. Slowly bringing the world closer to World War 3…
Are you war-gaming your way through your tech career? Are you just guessing at the next step? Blindly inching your way closer to complete career catastrophe?
Obviously, this isn’t what we want for you! Ready to embrace a wiser strategy that that doesn’t involve guessing and drastically increases your chances of advancing in your career with confidence and ease?
Do not miss this episode!
Episode 131: Over-achievement is NOT a sustainable career-upgrading strategy
June 1st, 2020 | 19 mins 48 secs
If you want to upgrade your career and land that raise, promotion, or new job…
You just have to keep working hard, right?
You just have to keep achieving - and over-achieving, and you’ll win?
The truth is, this is a terrible strategy.
Ready to implement a sustainable strategy for advancing in your career?
Do not miss this episode!
Episode 132: Your career is a marathon, not a sprint.
May 31st, 2020 | 23 mins 26 secs
When you run a sprint, you go fast and you go at 100%
When you run a marathon, you can’t keep going at 100%. You’ll burn out within the first few miles, or sooner.
Your career is a marathon. And the reason so many of you aren’t reaching your goals is that you’re treating it like a sprint.
Here’s how to shift your perspective and actions so you can reach those long-term career goals!
Check out this episode now!
Episode 130: If not now, then when?
May 27th, 2020 | 17 mins 30 secs
I know you want to level-up in your tech career.
The question is: When are you going to do it?
If not now, then when?
And remember, “someday” is not on the calendar.
I understand that desire to wait. To think about it.
But how long do you want to do that?
Ready to embrace NOW as the best time to earn that promotion, raise, or new job?
Check out this episode - NOW!
Episode 129: NOW is the time to take charge of your tech career
May 25th, 2020 | 15 mins 4 secs
Right now, the smoke is lifting.
Right now, your competition is positioning themselves for that job you want.
Do not lose this opportunity!
Ready to get geared up to take intelligent action to upgrade your tech career?
Do not miss this episode!
Episode 128: “No action is better than a wrong decision” and other career myths that desperately need busting
May 20th, 2020 | 24 mins 28 secs
“I’d rather not take any action than make the wrong decision.”
Have you ever heard someone say this?
And be honest - have you ever said or thought this yourself?
It’s understandable - especially in times of uncertainty and global panic.
But is it really true? What if taking action is ALWAYS better?
Find out how you can use this question to upgrade your tech career and your life.
Check out this episode now!