Episode Archive
351 episodes of The People Stack Podcast since the first episode, which aired on June 24th, 2016.
Episode 207: More Precious than Gold
March 3rd, 2021 | 12 mins 14 secs
You’ll often hear time and money being equated in business. The fact of the matter is that time is way more valuable than money.
Your time is a finite, non-refundable, non-renewable resource and the kicker is, you don't know how much you had to start with.
And you just made more money listening to this!
So how do you make the best use of your finite time so you can have the money and the life worthy of investing your time in?
It takes a plan, and it takes action.
Find out more in this episode!
Episode 206: Kicking the Hopeium Addiction
March 1st, 2021 | 17 mins 8 secs
There are at least 2 kinds of optimism in the world.
One shines a light in a dark room, helping you find the door to something better. The other lulls you into complacency, numbing the pain of the dark.
If there are things in your life that are “this sucks but I can deal with it, its temporary” you too may be addicted to Hopeium.
In this episode Rob shakes the false hope of waiting for things to improve and spurs action toward that door to something better.
Episode 205: Being good at your job is killing your career
February 22nd, 2021 | 16 mins 47 secs
As tech folks, we’re taught to scope things down and be reasonable so that we can deliver on time and satisfy our clients and customers.
But that’s killing your ability to see and achieve a dream career.
In this episode Rob talks about unlocking your ability to dream big without sacrificing your hard-won tech skills.
Do not miss this one!
Episode 204: What’s REALLY in the way of your career advancement?
February 17th, 2021 | 29 mins 16 secs
When we talk with tech managers about their OBSTACLES to building their dream careers, we hear a lot of different things.
Their boss, the job market, covid, ageism, sexism, not having a degree, their team, their colleagues, being on an H1B visa, the messed up performance review system….
And while it’s perfectly normal and human to think these are the true obstacles…
They’re not.
The one true obstacle is YOU!
Learn more in this episode so that you can be the Master and Commander of your tech career and finally achieve the advancement you know you’re capable of!
Do not miss it!
Episode 203: Your Career is Like a Combination Lock
February 15th, 2021 | 31 mins 7 secs
Very often, potential clients ask us: Can you tell me the steps to advancing in my tech career?
Those are straightforward. It’s the same for everyone:
Get crystal clear on your mission
Build your excellence as a tech leader
Evangelize your excellence
Negotiate for your new Hell Yes position
Celebrating landing that new badass job!Like a combination lock.
What are the steps to unlocking one?
Turn to the right to the first #
Turn to the left past the first # to the second #
Turn to the right again to the third #
Open itAnd then you’re going to ask me: Great? What are the #’s?
Ah, that’s the part I can’t tell you!
Only YOU know the #’s to unlock your tech career.
But we can guide you to find them.
Here’s how! Don’t miss this episode!
Episode 202: They’re LESS qualified! Why did THEY get the job and not me?!
February 10th, 2021 | 25 mins 41 secs
Has this ever happened to you?
Someone less qualified with less experience got the job YOU wanted?
And you may ask: Why???
Aren’t jobs awarded based on qualifications and experience?
Yes and…
There’s more to it than that.
Check out this episode to find out the pieces of this puzzle that you’re missing so that you can land that raise, promotion, or Hell Yes job - without sacrificing your authenticity or integrity!
Check this one out immediately!
Episode 201: Someone else got your dream job
February 8th, 2021 | 26 mins 40 secs
Depending on what stats you look at, somewhere around 5 MILLION people lost their jobs due to covid.
And they’re looking for jobs right now! And trust me, they’re motivated!!!
We know this because some of them are our friends and clients.
So if you’re waiting, thinking about, mulling over, collecting more data on whether or not to go after that raise, promotion, or new job…
I”m here to tell you that every day you wait, it increases the chances that SOMEONE ELSE will land YOUR dream job.
We see it all the time. And more so right now.
How do you get out of analysis paralysis and take action NOW!
Find out on this episode! Check it out!
Episode 200: The burning building that is your career right now
February 3rd, 2021 | 24 mins 46 secs
For a lot of our clients, the thing that gets them to commit to upgrading their career is:
“My career is burning down. If I don’t fix it, nothing will be left.”
That’s the truth. And you MUST see this truth in all it’s flames if you’re ever going to move out of your current hidey-hole comfort zone.
In this episode I shine a light on this truth from ALL the angles - your money, your job, your impact, your relationships, your health, & your lifestyle.
It’s all burning down. How do you stop it?
How do you step into your power as a badass leader and get on the path towards career GROWTH - instead of career DESTRUCTION?
Tune in right now! You do NOT want to miss this one!
Episode 199: Stuck. Frustrated. (w/out a solid career plan)
February 1st, 2021 | 29 mins 29 secs
Rob and I did a zoom-out on client trends this week and we noticed a pattern…
When clients start working with us, the vast majority of them are stuck (and frustrated) because their career plans are not panning out.
They had a plan to up-level and make more money, but life got in the way.
Now they’re stuck.
If this sounds at all like you, I want you to give this episode a VERY close listen.
I’ll reveal what’s REALLY going on and how to fix that career “stuck-ness” once and for all so you can finally be on the path towards building your DREAM tech career!
Check it out immediately!
Episode 198: Are you struggling in your career?
January 27th, 2021 | 30 mins 6 secs
Struggle is a tricky thing. You might be struggling in your career and not know it.
This is because of the human condition - we cope.We are VERY good at coping so that life doesn’t hurt.
Even if you’re coping, you’re still struggling, and there’s a huge cost.
You’re going to stay stuck in your career - leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table.
You’re going to lose opportunities for growth and advancement.
You’re going to feel the stress of a mediocre life.
So how do you know if you’re struggling - even if you’ve been coping for years - so that you can get unstuck and upgrade your career?
Check out this episode right now!
Episode 197: Discomfort is required. Struggle is optional.
January 25th, 2021 | 32 mins 8 secs
We often tell our clients that we’re here to help them have the necessary, uncomfortable career conversations so they can create their dreams.
Their response is often, “Define uncomfortable.”
The main distinction that we share is that there’s a difference between discomfort and struggle.
If you want to get unstuck and get to the next level in your career, discomfort is required.
The struggle is optional.
In this podcast, I talk more about this distinction and how to harness its power so you can command a salary of at least $200k/year while you live a life full of joy, meaning, and purpose.
Do not miss this one!
Episode 196: The Cost of NOT Getting Expert Career Help
January 20th, 2021 | 25 mins 38 secs
Prospective clients often ask us, “How much is it?”
And, because of the human condition, your brain often goes to, “Can I afford to do it?”
I understand why you think that’s a great question.
But I’m going to turn your assumptions upside-down.
What if that’s a terrible question? What if the BETTER question is:
“Can I afford NOT to do it?”
Because there are costs to NOT getting the expert career help you need.
Financial, emotional, lifestyle, physical, spiritual costs…
The list goes on.
In this episode, learn what it’s costing YOU to try to fix your career without expert help.
Tune in immediately!
Episode 195: Who’s in your tribe?
January 18th, 2021 | 29 mins 3 secs
Who do you surround yourself with?
Is it people who drag you down? They say you should just be happy with what you have?
They tell you to “play it safe?” And question your growth saying, “You’ve changed.”
...do you surround yourself with people to LIFT YOU UP? They encourage you to climb even higher!
In this episode, I talk about how to build the best tribe possible, so that you can you soar in your career and in your life.
Episode 194: Saying No to Non-Priorities
January 13th, 2021 | 32 mins 39 secs
Now that your priorities are clear - I talked about that on the last podcast - it’s time to say NO to everything that’s NOT a priority.
And I understand how challenging that can be.
Every day, you’re soaked with a tidal wave of messages, requests, demands, and must-do-now’s!
How is an authentic, assertive servant leader supposed to deal with all of these?
Check out this episode to find out how!
Episode 193: 2021 Priorities
January 11th, 2021 | 26 mins 33 secs
What are your priorities for 2021?
What are the MAJOR categories - the BIG rocks - that you’re going to focus on?
Your health? Your relationships? Your career?
For most people, their career is not one of those major categories. And that’s a travesty!
If you don’t intentionally choose to make your career a priority, you’re missing out on major opportunities for advancement, personal growth, and more money!
Check out this episode to learn how you CHOOSE to make your career a priority in 2021 and make it STICK!
Episode 192: A Holly, Jolly Tech Career
January 6th, 2021 | 27 mins 42 secs
I asked Alexa to play some Christmas music and “Holly, Jolly Christmas” came on.
Great song. Catchy tune.
But, what does it mean? Holly is a plant!? I kinda get the jolly part.
It SOUNDS good...but...maybe I’m overthinking it?
And then I realized, that’s EXACTLY how so many of our clients feel when they start working with us and we talk about building their DREAM tech career!
It sounds good! But what do you mean, exactly?
In this episode, I explain what I mean about your dream career.
AND how you go from “just a dream” to taking action to build it in reality!
Do not miss this episode!