We found 10 episodes of The People Stack Podcast with the tag “promotion”.
Episode 301: Reasonable Goals Always Fail
May 17th, 2023 | 34 mins 22 secs
careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology
Stop setting goals that you think are reasonable, achievable, or attainable.
In other words - SMART goals often set you up on a path toward failure!
In this episode I talk about why…
…and what to do instead so you can set goals that set you up for success and fulfillment every single time…
…in your career and the rest of your life!Tune in right now!
Episode 300: I’m so confused! I can’t make a career decision!
May 9th, 2023 | 26 mins 42 secs
careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology
Are you confused about your tech career? Do you desperately want to make a decision but you can’t?
Maybe it’s deciding whether you stay or go on the job market?
Maybe it’s deciding whether or not to ask for a raise?
Maybe it’s deciding HOW to go on the job market or ask for a raise?
Whatever it is…it’s weighing you down.
In this episode, I show you the REAL remedy to indecisiveness and confusion…in your career and the rest of your life…
…so that you can FINALLY take the inspired, intelligent actions that will lead you to your dreams.Check this one out right now!
Episode 299: It’s NOT That You Don’t Have Time…
April 25th, 2023 | 31 mins 39 secs
careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology, time management
Many of you wish you had more time.
If only you were given 1, 2, 3 more hours each day…
…then you can create the impact you know you’re capable of.Many of you think you need to get better at time management.
If only you can use time more effectively and efficiently.
I’m here to tell you that it’s NOT that you don’t have time.
You do NOT need to get better at “managing time.” (How is that even possible?)
In this podcast, I’m going to show you the REAL shift you need to make to create complete and total time freedom that sticks.
Check this one out right now!
Episode 298: MicroPodcast: Does Your Career Work For You?
March 30th, 2023 | 5 mins 23 secs
careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology
Is your career working for or against you?
Do you feel like your career is driving the bus?
Because as leaders, we want our careers working FOR us!We drive the bus!
Check out this micro-podcast for guidance on embracing this shift for yourself.
Episode 297: The Problem with Problem Solving
March 14th, 2023 | 40 mins 54 secs
careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology
When you follow traditional problem-solving advice, you create more problems!
In this episode, I invite you to shift away from focusing on problems - without ignoring them.
When you do this, you’re going to create even better relationships…
…even more fun and flow…
and even more ludicrously lucrative prosperity in your career and the rest of your life.
Check this one out right now! -
Episode 296: The Key Differentiating Action Our Clients Took to Create Their Dream Careers & Lives
March 2nd, 2023 | 42 mins 3 secs
careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology
What’s the ONE action you can take to make a PROFOUND difference in your career and the rest of your life?
Our tech leader clients have created amazing success and fulfillment.
What’s the one action they took that you haven’t yet?
Check out this podcast right now to find out what it is!
Episode 295: Are you treating your career like a transaction?
February 23rd, 2023 | 28 mins 30 secs
careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology
Do you have your current job because you think you should have one?
Because you believe you need it?
Because there’s something external that you need from it, like the money?
Do you have your current job because you genuinely enjoy it?
Because it truly lights you up?
Because it’s fun and delightful?
If you’re treating your career like a transaction, you’re not going to create increased success, fulfillment, and advancement.
How do you shift this so you can create your dream career and ludicrous amounts of joy and prosperity?
Check this podcast out right now! -
Episode 294: MicroPodcast: Why You Can’t Trust Your Gut Instincts (yet)
February 13th, 2023 | 6 mins 20 secs
careers, coaching, gut, instinct, intuition, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology
From time to time, well all feel like we can’t trust our gut.
For example…
We WANT that new, amazing job but…our gut is telling us, “No.”
What’s up with that?
I explain this in this episode. AND I explain HOW you CAN learn to trust your instincts.
Check this 5-ish minute mico-podcast out!
Episode 293: You Don’t Have to Settle for a Measly 3% Raise
February 8th, 2023 | 36 mins 35 secs
careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology
You deserve more money.
Yes, you do!
And for many of you, this is very timely because it’s performance-review / how-much-is-my-raise season.
It’s also an evergreen topic because we know that so many tech leaders are routinely given measly raises.
What’s the solution to this? How do you reclaim your personal power to attract the money you deserve?
Listen to this one right away!
Episode 292: There’s Something Missing (and your paycheck isn’t filling the void)
January 24th, 2023 | 34 mins 57 secs
careers, coaching, layoffs, leadership, product management, project management, promotion, raises, software development, tech management, technology
Many of you feel like something is missing in your life…but you can’t put your finger on it.
There’s a level of pain, suffering, or discomfort that you feel - and you can’t describe it.
And you don’t know how to fill the void.
What you DO know is that money, a bigger house, or a dream job will NOT fill it.
In this episode, I’m going to help you truly understand that “something” that’s missing…
…and I’m going to guide you to fill that void once and for all.
Check this one out right now!