About the show
We explore the intersection of Tech Leadership & Dream careers. We do this by creating inspiring podcasts - including interviews with amazing individuals in the tech leadership space.
Dr. Jen Bunk earned her Ph.D. in I/O Psychology (a.k.a. The Science of Work). She is a retired Associate Professor and an accomplished speaker & researcher. As the CEO of the People Stack, she’s used her decades of experience to coach hundreds of tech leaders to create their dream careers - and the dream lives that go with them.
Rob Allen (Jen’s husband) is a 20+ year software industry veteran who moved from IC to Leadership in 2010, where the focus has always been on helping the technical folks who worked for him live their best lives. In 2019, he broadened that to the tech community as a whole by joining Jen full-time at The People Stack as her Co-CEO.
The People Stack Podcast on social media
Episode 127: Now’s the time for conservatism and staying the course, right?
May 18th, 2020 | 16 mins 59 secs
When we’re surrounded by chaos and fear, our tendency may be to stay the course. Don’t make drastic changes.
Keep on keepin’ on. Show up for work the same way you have in the past. Don’t start any new projects. Don’t have that conversation with the CEO. And definitely don’t ask for a raise or promotion.
The truth is CHANGE is all around us right now. If you choose to stay the course, you’re going to be left in the dust.
Ready to embrace change and create a massive impact in your career and for those around you?
Do not miss this episode!
Episode 126: Do you want to survive as a tech leader? Or do you want to thrive?
May 13th, 2020 | 20 mins 58 secs
People have been talking a lot lately about survival. Just getting by. Making sure we have roofs over our heads and food on the table.
And, yes, be grateful for ALL of that! It’s an honor and a privilege to be alive right now.
AND ask yourself: Was I born to survive or was I born to thrive?
Hint: We’re ALL born to thrive! We’re born as miracles and you get to create nothing less in your tech career and in your life.
Ready to embrace the miracles around you so you can start thriving in your tech career - and stop settingling for merely surviving?
Check out the episode now!
Episode 125: Times are tough right now. Are you melting or molting?
May 11th, 2020 | 21 mins 10 secs
Make no mistake about it - we’re living in challenging times. Uncertain times. It’s an evolving New Normal.
Are you melting through this challenge? As in: “Oh no! I’m melting! I’m melting! I can’t take the heat! Please save me!!!”
Or are you molting through this challenge? Molting is what animals do when they shed their skins to make way for new growth.
Ready to molt and make room for the best version of yourself to emerge so that you can build your dream career and your dream life?
Do not miss this episode!
Episode 124: Complaining is easy. Getting resourceful to make change? That’s the hard work of leaders.
May 6th, 2020 | 19 mins 54 secs
I’ve noticed that a lot of people are addicted to complaining. Not just in my professional life, but in my personal life too.
Perhaps you’ve noticed it, too. Complaining about what’s going wrong - about what’s out of our control - can feel good when things don’t go our way.
It’s a natural human response and it’s nothing to feel ashamed about.
However, when it becomes your conditioned response to challenges - that’s when it steals your power and resourcefulness.
As leaders, it’s our responsibility to make change. And we can’t do that when we’re complaining.
Ready to ignite your resourcefulness - even in the face of massive challenges - so that you can make a massive impact?
Check out this episode now!
Episode 123: “I don’t need career help because the thing in my way is out of my control.”
May 4th, 2020 | 22 mins 48 secs
I’ve talked with several potential clients who wonder if they even need career help.
They’re open to help...however…
They believe that what’s stopping them from reaching the next level in their careers is an external factor outside of their control - a global pandemic, the economy, racism/sexism/ageism, the culture of the company they work for, their boss’s personality, etc.
Yes, it’s true that much in life is out of our control, it’s important to remember what we DO have control over.
Ready to empower yourself to upgrade your tech career even in the face of uncontrollable obstacles?
Do not miss this episode!
Episode 122: Do I stay or do I go? Why leaving a job can be hard.
April 29th, 2020 | 22 mins 5 secs
One of the hardest career decisions you’ll ever make is:
Do I stay at my current job or do I go on the job market to find something better?
The default is to stay. Keep what you have.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, right?
Not always.
Ready to get really clear about what you’re LOSING by staying at your current job?
Tune in to this episode!
Episode 121: It’s safer to stay at my current job than to look elsewhere
April 27th, 2020 | 20 mins 23 secs
I’ve been hearing a lot lately about tech managers who are thinking about going on the job market to find a better job…
But they ultimately decide that it’s safer to stay.
It’s just not worth the risk, the time, the effort to leave.
But is it?
Do you want to stay in your comfort zone or do you want to build your dream career?
If you’re ready to take the leap into new career possibilities (but are feeling a bit uncertain)…
Do not miss this episode!
Episode 120: Are you constantly trying to convince others that you’re right? Here’s why this doesn’t work.
April 22nd, 2020 | 21 mins 55 secs
There’s an art and a science to influencing others.
Here’s how NOT to do it: “I’m right. You’re wrong. Let’s change the strategy.”
Unfortunately, because a lot of us never learned how to influence in school (last I heard, it’s not part of common core, yet)...
...we’re clueless about how to do it effectively.
In this episode, I share a major strategic shift that will drastically change the way you influence others - and will get you better results.
Tune in for this episode!
Episode 119: Having a hard time dealing with OTHER people’s uncertainty, fear, and doubt?
April 20th, 2020 | 27 mins 32 secs
I’ve been talking a lot lately about your own negative thoughts and feelings.
But what about dealing with OTHER people’s negative thoughts and feelings?
Like when other people have no clue how to use Zoom or other WFH tech?
Or when you want to convince your boss it’s time to change the project strategy, but he’s stuck in the past?
Or when you really want a team member to step up and lead a project, but she’s too scared to do it?
Want to learn how to deal with these kinds of challenges?
Check out this episode!
Episode 118: Isolation, fear, and doubt. If this becomes your new normal, you can say good-bye to upgrading your career
April 15th, 2020 | 19 mins 50 secs
You’re feeling isolated right now. I know you are.
And that isolation leads to fear. And doubt.
It leads to decisions based on scarcity. Decisions based on “all I wanna do is survive.”
If this becomes your new normal, you’re never going to upgrade your tech career. You’re never going to earn the raise or promotion or land that new job.
Ready to make decisions from a place of certainty and abundance - even though you’re surrounded by doom and gloom?
Check out this episode right now!
Episode 117: Feeling on your own right now? Here’s how to get support even when we’re social distancing.
April 13th, 2020 | 28 mins 18 secs
I know that a lot of you feel on your own right now. You’re stuck at home and are feeling isolated from your support network.
If this keeps up, it’s going to have a drastic negative impact on your career and your earning potential.
How do you get support right now - even when we’re social distancing?
Pay careful attention to this episode!
Episode 116: How to become the best tech leader who can tackle ANY challenge - even when life feels like chaos
April 8th, 2020 | 23 mins 20 secs
The best leaders are able to rise up no matter what’s happening externally.
They develop rock-solid identities of being world-class leaders who deliver amazing results even when the world around them is absolute chaos.
Want to learn how to do this right now for yourself - so that you can continue to charge towards upgrading your tech career and creating massive value in the process?
Check out this episode!
Episode 115: WFH? OMG!!! It’s Chaos.
April 6th, 2020 | 24 mins 4 secs
You’re working from home right now. Maybe you’re used to it, maybe you’re not.
Even if you’re used to it, you’re encountering new levels of chaos amid the global pandemic.
How do you stay sane, organized, productive, and happy during times like this?
Do not miss this episode!
Episode 114: Ready to stand up as a badass tech leader?
April 1st, 2020 | 16 mins 22 secs
Who are you?
I understand this can be a tricky question to answer.
But let me make this easy for you (b/c I know life is hard right now):
You’re a badass tech leader!!!
Now that you know who you are, what are you gonna do with that information?
Ready to embrace that identity and show those around you what you’re made of?
Check out this episode right now!!! -
Episode 113: Leaders Rise Up During Times of Challenge
March 30th, 2020 | 18 mins 32 secs
These are challenging times to say the least.
What defines you is not what happens in the world.
It’s what you choose to do!
What actions will YOU take in the face of these challenges?
What decisions will YOU make that will show your power as a leader leader?
What words will YOU choose that will inspire your team, your family, and others?
Do not miss this episode - this is YOUR chance to rise up!!!
Episode 112: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
March 25th, 2020 | 21 mins
Hellen Keller said that. “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
It’s always true. We feel the truth of it now more than ever.
How can you embrace the adventure - w/out letting fear take over - so that you can be there for your team, your loved ones, and yourself?
Find out in this episode!