Responsibly Reject the Bull$hit

Episode 343 · July 7th, 2024 · 46 mins 51 secs

About this Episode

How do you responsibly call people out on their bullshit?

And how do you call YOURSELF out on your own bullshit?

It’s so important to learn how to do this b/c w/out it, you’re holding yourself back from a life of ease, flow, power, and dream creation.


Because, well, not to be too crass but…

You can’t rise higher when you’re surrounded by shit.

You can’t rise higher in your career - or the rest of your life.

So, how do you deal with this mess without gunking things up even more?

And, dare I say - how do you come to ENJOY dealing with the B.S.???

I explain how in this podcast! Get ready to get real!

Check it out here right now: